First of all …wow. I don’t think any of us expected the bidding to get so competitive, and now we have a lot to live up to at lunch. The four winning bids raised more than $1,800. Tahsir’s reaction was “Shit shit shit shit shit.” 😛
Of course, we have a few ideas to keep you interested during the meal, and as all the proceeds go to charity we hope you’ll agree that the bids were worthwhile.
The second point concerns the deadline for posting bids. It was 11:59 PM on Wednesday night, and some people kept bidding after that. This blog has timestamps. While I appreciate your enthusiasm, rules are rules and late bids will not be considered.
Third, a point of confusion. Some people updated their existing comments and placed higher bids, which was explicitly permitted. These updates were made before the deadline so they are valid. Still I see how that could be confusing to search through old comments for high bids (I was doing it a couple times a day) so if I do anything like this in the future I’ll ask you to post a new bid only, not an old one. I apologize if the confusion led any of you to miss this opportunity.
All that said, here are the winners. I’ll be contacting you later today by email to make arrangements. Please don’t make your donation yet.
- Wolfgang — $535 for lunch + FTU + blackjack tournament
- Joey R — $526 for lunch + FTU + blackjack tournament
- Bobby — $376 for lunch only
- Josh — $375 for lunch only