Do you have student loans that are sitting around? Right now, you can earn up to 50,000 JetBlue TrueBlue points when you refinance your student loans with SoFi.
You can earn 1 JetBlue TrueBlue point for ever $2 refinanced with SoFi, up to 50,000 points. To maximize this offer you will need to refinance $100,000. Points will be credited to your JetBlue account within 90 days.
Fixed rates start at 3.375% APR and variable rates start at 2.615% APR if you enroll in AutoPay with SoFi. You’ll need very good credit in order to get these lowest rates.
Is this a Good Deal?
If you have student debt and are in the market to refinance, this could be a great time to do so. The main thing you’ll need to consider is how SoFi’s rates compare. You probably won’t want to accept a higher APR in order to earn these JetBlue points. You may also apply for a debt consolidation loan from a bank or other financial institution that combines your student loans and other debt, such as credit card debt. If you go this route, however, you may lose student loan benefits, such as the ability to defer repayment.
JetBlue points are worth around 1.5 cents each, so if you refinance $100,000 to earn 50,000 TrueBlue points, you will be able to redeem those points for around $750 in flights. According to Viva Payday Loans, this is a nice bonus if you are already planning to refinance your loans and SoFi is offering a competitive rate. for more on how to handle your current debts, you will want to understand debt consolidation and how can this help you and your credit score.
HT: Doctor of Credit